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Using Url Renderings
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Author: Alexander Kokoshyn
Posted: 12/15/2005 7:09:00 PM


I’m integrating Sitecore and a forum application, but it is not possible to include the forum in Sitecore sublayouts or layouts as that would require redefining all of the forum functionality basically. Is it possible to integrate such an application into Sitecore front-end page?


This can be done using the URL rendering.

  1. Go to /sitecore/layout/Renderings in the master database:

  2. Add URL rendering via menu Content New » Add from template;

  3. Select the following template: Sytem » Layout » Renderings » Url rendering;
  4. In the Url field of the Url rendering you should specify a page you wish to integrate (html, aspx, asp, php, etc):

Place this rendering somewhere on the layout or sublayout.

As a result you will be able to see embedded page on your layout or sublayout on the front end.   

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